• The energy for this month is all about Honesty... about really being clear with yourself with what is coming up for you and sometimes the thing that is honest within us is the hardest thing for us to look at because it exists within the shadow parts of ourself -- the parts of ourself that we want to keep unseen and unlooked at or the parts of ourself that we want to banish, but this part of ourself has a medicine. It has something to share with us. And it has a lot of guidance for us if we can allow our shadow and our light to meet. You know, moving in the world with honesty is not the easiest thing to do. It means that you're going to have to sometimes make really hard decisions because they feel right and sometimes those decisions won't make any sense to the people around you. Sometimes what is honest within us doesn't even make that much sense to ourselves when it first comes through. But it's an intuition and it's a guidance and it's a feeling -- like I have to make this move or I have to make this shift or this thing that I think that has been serving me for so long actually doesn't serve me.. and if it doesn't serve me, then it doesn't serve the others around me who rely on me. Honesty can be hard. It can be really hard and you know, sometimes we have people around us who ask us a question and the answer to that question might be honest but it might also be hard to share with them. It might be hard for us to also be honest with ourselves about people who we've placed on a pedestal in one way or another and we see the human in them and then we feel like that human is hard for us to know or to look at or accept, because we have our own discarded parts of our shadow as well, and the humanness in this person we've placed on a pedestal is an archetype to us. When we see another's shadow, often times we're just really having a mirror held up to our own and that can be hard. You know, when there's nothing to cling onto above you -- there's no person to cling onto above, there's no belief to cling onto above you -- you just get really grounded into your own honesty that can feel, sometimes, like a fall from grace, but actually what happens when you let go of the illusion that anyone or anything is above you, or you let go of the illusion that anyone or anything is below you, you let go of the illusion that there are parts of yourself that are welcome in the world and parts of yourself that need to be discarded -- parts of yourself that you can accept and parts of yourself that you need to discard -- when you let go of these illusions, what happens is you come into this very powerful place of wholeness and that's healing -- to be whole. Not to be perfect, no. Not to be fixed, no. But to be whole. And to be honest with ourselves and moving in the world in a way that is honest -- this is who I am. This is all that I am. This is what I feel in this moment. Next moment it might change. This is who I was. This is who I'm becoming. To be whole. All of me, all of me. To be whole. This is healing. This is wellness. It takes honesty for us to get there. Honesty with calling ourselves out on the patterns and habits and the callousedness within us that keeps us living lies. To see the lie, to see the illusion can be shocking and it's best if you can see the lie or see the illusion and you get there on your own, you know, but sometimes it's nice to have somebody point it out to us, or sometimes we do some meditation or have some experience that shows us, but it's always the best, the realest for us, when we get there on our own. It's always the most empowering when we're able to let go of the lie and the illusion on our own. Then it's less of this jolt, this shock, this, "Oh, this has been a lie and I have to act on it immediately." No, it's more gradual, maybe. One veil of illusion comes down. Another veil of illusion comes down. And what's left? What's left is just me in my wholeness. In my truth. What is honest for us, what is true for us, it doesn't always need to be the same truth for other people. It doesn't always need to be what's honest for other people, so I think an honest path is also a path that transcends polarity and transcends that deeply dogmatic morality of this is right and that is wrong and I have to show everybody what is right and I have to tell everybody what I think is wrong. No, being in honesty is being very clear about who we are and honest about who we are and we can share with other people from that honest place of who we are. What we feel like what might not be serving them if they ask us, but otherwise, it's probably such an exhausting waste of energy if we think it's our work in the world to make everybody else honest, or to make everybody else's truth the same as our truth and I think this is how a lot of discord gets caused. I think this is how a lot of pain and suffering gets caused, and I think that even though it might be true for you, it might pull you further and further away from living an honest life and walking an honest path because you feel like you have to impose what you believe on everybody else because it's not really their path or it's not really honest for them. So I wish you a month to really coming into a place of all that is honest for you.



We have just opened the Medicine Reading books for June and July.

Summer Medicine Reading availability will be extremely limited as I am traveling in preparation for the Element Retreat.


Register for your 1:1 Medicine Reading here.


As the retreat gets closer, I am starting to feel the energy of the group as well as some of the plants and animals that will be guiding us during our time together. If you have already signed up, keep a lookout for an email about working with plant allies and how to book an in-person Medicine Reading in Italy. Only 10 spots for 1:1's remain.

 And if you've been thinking about joining, please check out the room availability here. (1 more single room just opened up!) At this time the Children's Retreat and on-site accommodations for partners have sold out. 



