Nature, in her unfailing exquisiteness, demonstrates to us the power of maturity. She has grown through so much to be able to bear her fruits and share the gifts of her completion with the world.

Courage is to follow nature’s example, despite the fact that to be maturescent in our society often means to be disregarded and unseen.

Studies show that we are living longer and longer. If this is true, then what can we do now in our younger years to live a long life free of regret?

There is something deep inside of us, our own hidden understanding, that drives us to the realization that we gain so much through maturation: the feeling of fulfillment, the power of forgiveness, the medicine of generosity, and wisdom.

Through embracing the fact that even in this very moment we are one day closer to old age, one minute closer to death, one breath closer to a wrinkle, we learn to appreciate what we have while we have it. We appreciate our bodies rather than judge them and connect with our community and families while we still can. Remembering always, this too shall pass.

It is possible that a lot of the suffering we see could stem from massive immaturity? If this is the case, then maybe if we embrace our ever-aging selves, we will radiate the energy of confidence and become a part of valuing wisdom in our society. Having a mature presence means breaking the bonds of reactivity and stepping into the grace of receptivity.

In the age of information overwhelm, I call upon our inner elders. The ones who have learned how to take things slowly... Who know learning, like healing, takes time. Who is patient with the understanding that what we once perceived as fact can eventually be disproven. Who can see that Intellect has a job — to act as a tool for our intuition. Intellect is the how to intuition’s what. The one with the courage to ask, “why all this focus on intellect and the shunning of intuition? Why are we trained to trust only the facts we are told? Why don’t we ask more questions?” The Wise Ones are those unafraid to ask.

The Ancient One within is who pauses to digest and discern before coming to conclusions or making decisions. Moving through life from a place of trust in their inner knowing. The one who has been through so much yet chooses to remain open.


This week, do one kind thing for an elder. Even if it’s a simple hello as you pass them on the street. Acknowledge them, make them feel seen.


Studies show that we are living longer and longer. If this is true then what can we do now, in our younger years to live a long life free of regret? Regardless of the age of our physical bodies, how can we apply maturity to how we think and move in the world?

When you are finished writing, take some time to slow down. Go for a walk or lay down on the floor with your legs up the wall and simply reflect on what has come through for you. By taking our time with the revelations we have we are able to truly assimilate and integrate our ideas into who we are.


