Work with the power of the elements within you to Be Your Own Healer.

Each part of the series can be viewed on-demand to work with integrating that element’s wisdom at your own pace. Explore deeper details for each element below.

The content of these healing projects will be available to view until July 6th, 2024 and will be open for purchase until June 24th, 2024.

Rhythm of Life
One time

The Veracious Voice
One time

The Sovereign Seer
One time

From Frozen to Flowing
One time

Four Part Elemental Healing Project
One time

The Elemental Healing Project series has been created based on reoccurring themes I’ve witnessed in my clients over the past 20+ years.

It is something I created for those of you who are curious about the elements and want to feel the way they move through you, or for folks interested in working as a healer in some way who want to learn a bit from my experience.

It is equally as important for those of you who aren't able to join us in the mountains of Italy at Element Retreat this summer as it is for those of you who are joining us and want to initiate a relationship with the elements so you can have a deeper experience.


When you complete registration for Element Retreat and Elemental Self Healing Series, you will receive the option for a FREE Mini Medicine Reading before we gather together in person in Italy.


Develop skills to tune out distractions and have the courage to trust yourself as we weave the medicine of wind into our lives.

Unlock the power of fire to see past illusions, heal sexual wounding, transform what is no longer needed, and harness our rambling minds so we can focus and see things through to completion.

Love is a generous wellspring that we all deserve to gratefully sip from. Come have a refreshing sip in this 3 day remote Elemental Healing Project from the Waters of Love.

Explore any wounds that persist in the way of our belonging and nourish our spirits with the infinite flow of gratitude and generosity that comes from being a child of the Earth.


Without me even realizing it, Deborah helped me nurture and grow my seeing beyond 3D. What I thought were daydreams were actually visions and energy beyond what I was taught was there. In her magical “Deborah” way, she gently guided and supported me to find my connection within. The magic that is always around All was revealing itself, and my communication with it grew like brush to a flame. The technicolor magic of life became a part of my daily reality.
— Katy
Deborah’s medicine of supporting everyone to ‘be your own healer’ shows up in vast ways of infinite illumination. She blew loving winds of support into the fires inside me, and the flames of sight grew and roared back to life. Enjoying the gifts of the magic within and beyond became a constant comfort, endless inspiration, and healing teacher.
— Katy