An On-Demand Course

In this 3-day Elemental Healing Project, we will explore any wounds that persist in the way of our belonging and nourish our spirits with the infinite flow of gratitude and generosity that comes from being a child of the Earth.

Course content and replays will be available until July 6th, 2024.

Rhythm of Life
One time

Four Part Elemental Healing Project
One time

What would you create and how would you grow if you knew you were powered by an incredible amount of energy in your strong solid roots? How would you act if you knew that your most pure, wild dreams are completely supported? How would you relate to life if you knew you were cared for, provided for, and loved unconditionally?

As clear channels of love, we will explore the fascinating rhythm of life and practice heart centered energy healing from the divine source of nature. This 3-day awakening Elemental Healing Project will leave you feeling capable and connected, so very connected. 

Day 1 • Child of the Earth
Honoring Mother Earth
Healing the Mother Wound

To Honor the Mother… We must first acknowledge the Mother Wound. 

Whether felt collectively or personally, the Mother Wound affects all of our relationships. We will compassionately uncover and lift the cast aside mother that history forgot and the ways in which the mother wound could be influencing our creative and healing journeys. We will  close day one in a ceremony of pouring our love into the cauldron of the earth.

*Please note, this class will be very potent for anyone who is intending on being a mother, is currently a mother, has a complex relationship with their mother, or wants to be the conscious child of the earth.
Healing crisis could occur before or after class.

Day 2 • Tending New Life
When the Seeds Don’t Grow
Trusting the Rhythms

Some seeds we plant literally or metaphorically, no matter how intentionally we plant them, do not grow. This can be for many reasons which we will explore in today’s class. 

In spirituality, we tend to look often to the energy of rebirth, but what happens just after this phenomena as our cool wet wings unfold? When are doing enough? When do we need to work a bit harder? When is the good work draining us? How can we best nurture what we create with the energy of a loving mother? How can we work with energy healing and energy healers in a collaborative rather than dependent way?

Day 3 • Divine Nectar
Being Truly Grounded
Dancing with the Heartbeat of Creation

When we talk about being grounded, what we are really speaking of is feeling fully connected to our source of support, the sweet nourishing nectar of love always on tap. Being grounded is being within an understanding of having everything we need, fully provided for and nurtured by the garden of life. Today we will joyfully sync up with the rhythm of life, in healing ceremony and celebration dedicated to tapping into the pulse of the nature we are. Dancing with the heartbeat of creation, we will learn about and practice energy healing on ourselves in ways we’ve yet to explore.

“When we talk about energy protection, what we are really talking about is being grounded and connected.”



When you complete registration for Element Retreat and Elemental Healing Series, you will receive the option for a FREE Mini Medicine Reading before we gather together in person in Italy.
