An On-Demand Course

There are so many voices out there telling you where you should go, what you should do, even what you should say.

It can be hard to attune to your own inner voice. But when you are able to cleanse the external noise, you dispel insecurity, loneliness, and an ancient wellspring of inspiration that has always been within you. In this three day self healing project, we will develop skills to tune out distractions and have the courage to trust ourselves through activating discourses, cleansing ceremonies, and enlightening enchantments.

This self healing project can be enjoyed on its own or as part of a four part healing project series.

The Veracious Voice
One time

Four Part Elemental Healing Project
One time

This three part elemental healing project includes engaging and thought provoking meetings, applicable practices, and a bespoke spellbook for attuning to the medicine of the inner voice.

Replays and course material will available until July 6, 2024.

Day 1
Wonder of Wind

• Who is speaking through your voice?

• The medicine of respect, curiosity, and introspection.

• An east wind ceremony.

Day 2
The Veracious Healing Spiral

• Deborah hits the white board in a look at the healing spiral of listening to our inner voice.

Day 3
Inspired Incantations

• The connection of the inner voice and our creativity. 

• A practice of healing incantations.

• Q&A.

The Veracious Voice is an important experience for anyone who wants to explore the power in the frequency of the human voice. 

This self healing project is medicine for anyone who has been feeling an emotional tightness or lump in their throats and is ready to investigate  the energetic causes of these sensations, as well as anyone who is finding it difficult to authentically express themselves in a world of self-censorship. The Veracious Voice is an elemental key for empowering the courageous creative spirit. 

(n):  1. The ability to speak or sing
2. The utterance of a guiding spirit 

Veracious (adj):  Speaking or representing the truth



When you complete registration for Element Retreat and Elemental Healing Series, you will receive the option for a FREE Mini Medicine Reading before we gather together in person in Italy.
